Functions and Function Notation

 1.    If  f(x) = 3x - 8    and   g(x) = 2(x + 4)² - 3 , then determine:

        i)  f(5);       ii) g(a + 4);       iii) 3f(7);       iv) 2f(3a+1)-g(a-1)

2.     If f(x) = x2 – 3x – 12, then determine x such that f(x) = 16.

3.     A teacher gives a test to her students. The highest mark in the class is 180 and the lowest mark in the class is 60. Determine a linear function such the highest mark in the class is 95 and the lowest mark in the class is 55.

Powerpoint Solution by Student to answer above three problems