Chap 5.1 - Derivatives of Exponential Functions, y = e^x







Chapter 5.2 - The Derivative of the General Exponential Function, y = b^x





Chapter 5.3 - Optimization Problems Involving Exponential Functions


 We haven't done this type of question yet :)





Chapter 5.4 - The Derivative of y = sin x and y = cos x






Chapter 5.5 - The Derivative of y = tan x




Chapter 5 Review

 18.    A thin rigid pole needs to be carried horizontally around a corner joining two corridors which are 0.7 m and 1.1 m wide.  The corridors are perpendicular to each other.  Calculate the length of the longest pole that can be carried around this corner.

Answer:  approx. 2.52 m                       Video Solution to #18

 Appendix - The Natural Logarithm Function and its Derivative



